BAWPA’s contribution to economic development of Bangladesh: An interview with executive director

Holiday Post: Bangladesh Agriculture Working Peoples Association (BAWPA), a non-government organization has been working for the last 33 years. It has 4 (four) branches with 30 staff, without local and foreign financial involvement. BAWPA has a good track record on organizational performance despite having financial constrains and it has been facing vary challenging situation since covid19. As a matter of fact, people’s income has decreased enormously due to natural disasters, political instability etc. Consumer goods prices are high, loan collections are very slow, capital market has downward trend. This was stated by Executive Director of (BAWPA), Abdur Rauf.
We require political stability where the Governments should play an important role. Public-private financial co-operation is needed. The Previous Government had negative attitude for the development of NGOs Sector in Bangladesh.
We are concerned for sustainable growth to carry out our activities. We know that, the Agriculture sector in Bangladesh has a dominant role to play for the upliftment of the socio economy condition of the people. We are financing small-medium entrepreneurs to procure agricultural inputs. Moreover, the families of the garment workers are given loans on easy terms. The rickshaw pullers, day laborers, van drivers and auto drivers are also extended loans which they repay out of their incomes at end of the day. All this contribute significantly to the national economy, said Abdur Rauf.
About microcredit policy he said, we believe that our microcredit policy is good. There are some areas where the micro-credit policy needs to be recast. We are try our best to meet the requirements our member. Micro-credit institutes working in different fields to help the small and medium entrepreneurs, which are a boon to the economic development of the country. These NGOs can play an important role for the advancement of raw materials sector and job market. He said
If we want to Survive in a free market economy, we have to ensure improved services, sustainable product delivery in a fully competitive market, and developing capabilities. To do so, we need to strengthen background and forward linkage of value chains. The NGO’s like BAWPA can play significant role in supply of agriculture products.
We will have to ensure low interest loans on easy terms having no collateral from financial institutions like Banks. The Government should take some special measures to engage micro-financial institutions for loans as these posses good reputation business integrity.
We have been working to assist entrepreneurs for employment of our community groups in accordance with their requirements by training them. This is essential for good governance and social justice. We regret that the budgeted plan targets were not fulfilled during the last (3 years). We have a decreasing growth due to natural disasters, social, political, democratic degradation, and increase in the price of consumer goods, the financial capacity has decreased. In this case, we need support from domestic and foreign financial institutions. He hopes,
Abdur Rauf, Executive Director, has been working on the demands of farmers, landless farm laborers for their rights since his education. He was involved in improving the fate of the poor people. He was working in this sector since 1990.