
Government should give loan at low interest rate to small entrepreneurs: Ed BKF stresses

Holiday Post: Microfinance Institutes Environment in Bangladesh is good, but the industries are facing the Political Problems as well as natural disaster Floods at present. Which are created the serious threads to run smoothly the normal operation of Microfinance Program to all over the Country. Says, Md. Golam Ahia, Executive Director, Bandhu Kallyan Foundation (BKF). He has been working about 32 years of the leading position with Primary Education since 1992. Social Welfare from 1996. PKSF Partner from 1998. Microcredit Regulatory Authorities from 2008 with 6 Districts 40 Branches.  Mr Golam Ahia, participated on SME from Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) at Thailand through PKSF and joined Two International Microfinance Summit at Bali in Indonesia and Valladolid in Spain.  He is General Committee Member of Centre for disability in development (CDD) at Savar and Shishu Niloy Foundation (SNF) at Jessore. He completed his education M. Com (Management) from Rajshahi University.

Holiday Post: Are you concerned about stability factor to plan your activities? Why?

Md. Golam Ahia: Yes, we have concerned about stability factor to plan of our Microfinance activities. We have established the Internal Monitoring System by The Director (Microfinance), Area Manager, Branch Manager, Credit Officer, Internal Audit Team, whose are working as per their Role and Responsibilities with follow-up their activities on the regular basis.

Holiday Post: What is the importance of economic development in Bangladesh by your activities? Please describe?

Md. Golam Ahia: By the Microfinance Program, we select the poorest people to get their required amount of loan, that creates huge positive change in their Financial solving at first, and the borrower generate multiple financial activities, which are create directly and indirectly employment and finally improve their financial status of them with the country.

Holiday Post: Do you think the Micro-credit policy regime here is good, or need to be improved? In what areas and why?

Md. Golam Ahia: Already Bangladesh Government established “The Microcredit Regularity Authority Act 2006” they published many rules with circulars to operate the overall Microfinance smoothly in the country. Their rules and circulars are friendly with Microfinance, if they could ensure to approve more others sources of Funds with low interest to us. Then we could provide more support to our borrowers.

Holiday Post: Country develops to need emphasized on micro-economy. What is your business initiative to develop of our economy and actions of micro economy? Please details us?

Md. Golam Ahia:  Yes, after established our Institute, we have given loan to our Borrower by the Microfinance Program’s which has contributed to our economy enormous. We can emphasize to develop country from every corner; we can give the small to big amount of loan to our borrowers to establish them to improve our country. From their required amount of loan that will be the sources of many kinds of financial activities, which has created to improve the financial stability of our clients. By the effect of Microfinance programs many people change their living status and play a good role to improve the country’s financial position by the contribution of socio-economy.

Holiday Post: How to achieve to goal of your community group, and what is your business strategy? Please details us?

Md. Golam Ahia: Firstly when we arrange group basis loan system, we payment loan to the borrower by many projects as per their requirements. We try to ensure that our loan will be recovery and the recovery rate was very standard, at recent we pay the individual loan to the medium or the small entrepreneur that is also successful.  We can give them the big amount of loan as per considering our primary stage, it was Tk. 5,000 (five thousand) to 10,000(ten thousand) but now it is 1,00,000 (1lac) to 25,000,00 (25 lac) each for this amount of loan our borrower get SME loan, which are sufficient loan to operate their commercial activities and improve the overall the financial position of the country.

Holiday Post: Describe your policy in a free market economy?

Md. Golam Ahia: BKF is working as a professionally Microfinance from July’ 1998, when BKF become the partnership with PKSF. BKF registration number of MRA is 01490-00330-00305 which is also a milestone for this Institute, already our Institute operates by the Microfinance Software “gbanker” and we are going to MFCIB that will help to all the Microfinance Institutes to minimize the Risk Factor. BKF has a proactive action plan to explain its Microfinance Program all over the country and after that finally in this world.

Holiday Post: What is your special Suggestion to Micro Finance industry in Bangladesh?

Md. Golam Ahia: Bangladeshi Microfinance is well known to the World. So, our Government should take nursing this sector as much as possible firstly by Palli Karma-sahayak Foundation (PKSF), and the Microcredit Regularity Authority (MRA). It could be received Fund from all the International Funding Agencies. Reduce the rate of interest for any kind of funds received from anywhere. We have to remember that our Microfinance program is renowned in the world and it has a vital role to decrease the poverty from this world as per MDGs & running SDGs. So, if we can use Microfinance properly from bottom to top, then we could achieve the number one agenda of SDGs and we could get a better world in the future.

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