
Microfinance regulatory authorities should be implement CIB policy quickly: Nurul Amin

Holiday Post: Md. Nurul Amin, Executive Director of Chandpur Socio-Economic Development Organization (CSEDO). He started his career in 1994 by joining BRAC. He resigned from BRAC in 2006 and started the contractor business. Then he started social work and working on micro-credit from 2014 with a certificate of Microcredit regulatory authority. Recently he talked to about Microfinance various view in Bangladesh

Microcredit is not good situation in Bangladesh at presently. We have no planning implementation in circumstances. At now our economy is not stable. Our activities are important role play to build economic in Bangladesh. We are giving to financial support for small work in the rural area, as a result for creating job opportunity, he said.

I think, Microcredit Policy management is same for all like Small Medium and large. It should be change for Small microcredit financial institutions. Otherwise small organizations will lose to their morale.Because,small entrepreneurs has been created large economy from small economy. We have needed to emphasize to small institutions. Our main focus,we undertake projects according to the area’s suitability. As a result, our economic system does not suffer. He said.

In a free market economy, small microfinance institutions cannot survive with large microfinance institutions. Because the big microfinance institutions are providing money according to the customer’s needs. Small microfinance institutions couldn’table. He hopes.

Side by side, the Microcredit Regulatory Authority needs to implement the CIB Policy. We see that, customer is taking loans from various single microfinance institutions. So, CIB Policy is implemented then it can be controlled, He also hopes.


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