Grameen Bank’s iniitiative of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman 103rd birthday and National Children’s Day celebration

Anika Afrin Subarna
On the initiative of Grameen Bank’s the 103rd birthday of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and National Children’s Day was celebrated at Grameen Bank Head Office at Dhaka with the joyous presence of all the officers and employees of Head Office. Chairman of Grameen Bank Board of Directors Prof. Dr. AKM Saiful Majid. Deputy Managing Director of Grameen Bank Mr. Md Saiduzzaman Bhuiyan was present as a special guest. The program was presided over by Mr. Md. Mosleh Uddin, Managing Director of Grameen Bank. The program started with National Anthem and recitation of Holy Quran. After that discussion on the biography of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, display of information and pictures and songs and poems about Bangabandhu were covered. In the speech of the chief guest, Grameen Bank Board of Directors Chairman Prof. Dr. AKM Saiful Majid said, we got dear Bangladesh under the strong and timely leadership of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
There is no chapter in the life of a Bengali, there is no incident where Bangabandhu’s strong voice for establishing justice and rights was not raised. He loved children very much. He loved to spend his birthday with children. On that day, children used to go in groups to congratulate him. Our parents should aim to ensure that children can learn from Bangabandhu’s life and work. Managing Director Mr. Md. Mosleh Uddin said, Bangladesh is moving towards fulfilling the dream of building Sonar Bangla under the leadership of the Honorable Prime Minister.
Grameen Bank is an institution dedicated to building Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s hunger and poverty free dream of Sonar Bangla. Bangabandhu’s work and political life is of extraordinary glory. May the foundation of character strength be formed in every child from his history of glory. Let this be our birthday and national children’s day vow this year. At the end of the ceremony, prayers were prayed for the soul of Bangabandhu and the martyred members of the family and long life of other family members including the honorable Prime Minister.